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重庆有名景点 英文,重庆有名景点英文

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较意思的话题,就是关于重庆有名景点 英文的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍重庆有名景点 英文的解答,让我们一起看看吧。

  1. 重庆还有许多旅游景点英文?
  2. 重庆石柱英文介绍?
  3. 求中国所有大城市的英语名字?



1) There are many tourist attractions in Chongqing.

重庆有名景点 英文,重庆有名景点英文

2) There are many scenic spots in Chongqing.


Chongqing Shizhu is a beautiful place with clear mountains and beautiful waters1.

Speaking of mountains, there are the precipitous Fangdou Mountain, Qiyue Mountain with no cliff, and Wanshou Mountain with steep mountains, which are lush and green all year round. As for water, there is the Yangtze River water. The water from our county Xituo town flows to the Yangtze River. There is also the Longhe River, which goes straight to the Yangtze River. The South Bin River is a long river that flows through the whole county. Nanbin town is located in the county seat, so this part of the Longhe River is called Nanbin River1.

重庆有名景点 英文,重庆有名景点英文


北京:peking 香港:Hong Kong 南京:Nanking 青岛:Tsingtao 澳门:Macau 厦门:Amoy 西藏:Tibet 西安:Sian 珠海:chu-hai 重庆: Chungking 成都: ChengTu 天津: TienTisn 福州: Foochow 桂林:Kweilin 宁波:Ningpo

到此,以上就是小编对于重庆有名景点 英文的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于重庆有名景点 英文的3点解答对大家有用。

重庆有名景点 英文,重庆有名景点英文